Ensuring that your items arrive safely at their destination in as-shipped conditions requires multiple layers of protection.

在许多情况下,第一层是一个坚固的木箱. 通常这是一个 定制木箱 specifically designed to maximize the protection of the assets being shipped. 定制木托盘和滑板 也可以用.

但这仅仅是个开始. 包装工程师 are also very strategic about the measures inside a crate that keep items from moving during transport.


2021十大正规彩票app & 货运公司的客户经常会问:“什么是阻塞和支撑??” Blocking and bracing provides another layer of protection for shipped assets. 它涉及使用各种手段来确保项目-特别是, large and/or heavy ones—don’t shift or move within their container during transport.

Simply filling the space around a crated item with loose material typically is not enough to prevent it from moving. A more effective approach is to get the item into its crate or onto a wood pallet and then immobilize it with wood blocks or cradles that are screwed together to create a protective framework.

例如, an item or device with casters might have blocks surrounding the front and back to prevent sliding, wood braces to prevent side-to-side movement and straps anchored to the wood base to provide even more support.

Any item—regardless of shape or size—can be effectively secured using carefully developed blocking and bracing techniques. That includes everything from large industrial equipment to one-of-a-kind artwork.


的re are several types of packaging that provide a third layer of protection for assets that will be transported. 的se materials are selected based on the properties of the items, and can include:

  • 专门的缓冲. 有一些已运资产, it’s crucial to minimize vibration and also ensure that the items don’t come into contact with each other or the walls of the container. 定制缓冲可用于此目的. 对于轻而精致的部件,通常使用聚氨酯泡沫. 对于较重的资产,聚乙烯泡沫通常是一个很好的解决方案. Other materials like felt can also be used to help protect the surface finish of the units being crated. 经常, it’s critical to protect sensitive devices from frequency vibrations and potential impacts experienced in transportation environments. One common solution for this is a custom-designed floating base that is attached to the crate deck with polyethylene foam and spring bolts. 2021十大正规彩票app的工程团队 & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 can work with any provided frequency vibration parameters to design an effective solution.
  • 防静电材料. 静电放电会损坏敏感的电子设备. However, many anti-static packaging materials can be used to avoid that problem. 它们包括防静电拉伸膜、密封膜、泡沫和屏障.
  • 热收缩包装. This plastic material can be used to cover an item and then heated and shrunk so that it forms a snug barrier. Not only can heat shrink wrapping be used to secure an item to a deck or pallet during shipping, the material is often used as an economical way to protect items that will spend time in storage.
  • 蒸汽屏障. 许多种类的物品, 比如电子产品或金属表面裸露的产品, 易受湿气损坏. 当它们在十大网赌靠谱信誉平台上运输时尤其如此. VCI (volatile corrosion inhibitor) bags are often used to protect assets during ocean transport. 的 bag surrounds the item and then the air is removed from inside it with a special vacuum device. Activated desiccant for absorbing moisture and humidity indicator cards for monitoring moisture can also be used.

有了上述三个级别的保护, 货物损坏的风险大大降低.



对于某些物品,组合有重型、双层壁 瓦楞纸容器 combined with the proper packaging materials is an effective shipping solution. 物品也可以放在内衬聚氨酯的硬壳盒里, 哪一个可以定制剪裁,以形成精确的合身.


而你对货物特性的了解是很重要的, 你不需要成为一个专业的创造者, 包装和运输专家,让您的项目安全到达目的地. 这是我们的工作.

例如,在2021十大正规彩票app & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台, 我们对每件设备都进行彻底检查, 家具, 美术或其他资产,我们被要求运送. 然后,我们开发一个专门为项目的板条箱和包装策略.

Whether that means a heavy-duty crate and extensive blocking and bracing with specialized packaging or a 瓦楞纸容器 with the right amount of inner packaging, we always recommend a level of protection that ensures your assets won’t be damaged. We also offer full cargo insurance to cover shipments in the event that something unusual and unexpected happens. We’re able to offer this coverage through our insurance company because of our high standards for protecting client shipments and many years of very low claims ratios.

You simply need to let us know what you’re shipping, where it’s going and when you need it there. 剩下的我们来处理. 这样,你就可以把注意力转移到其他任务上,确信2021十大正规彩票app & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 is looking out for you and maximizing the safety and security of your items. This includes shipments originating at any of our 65+ nationwide brick-and-mortar locations and traveling to destinations through the U.S. 在世界各地.

我们还提供广泛的后勤支持和跟踪专业知识, since properly packaging and crating goods is just the first step in getting them to where they are needed. 如果出现问题, it’s helpful that the same company that prepared a shipment can help you overcome those obstacles.

为有价值的资产获得更好的保护需要付出什么代价? 比你想象的要少. 你可以提前知道你要为保护支付多少钱 无义务成本估算.



What does it look like when assets are properly braced, blocked and packaged for shipping? 的 2021十大正规彩票app & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台图片库 是学习一家专门从事创意的公司的好地方吗, packaging and shipping of hard-to-move items tackles some truly unique and challenging projects.

的 list of items we’ve handled in more than three decades as leaders in our field is virtually endless. From a larger-than-life metal horse sculpture and countless fragile works of art, 摩托车和飞机, 到服务器机架和大型工业设备, 真的没有我们不能安全移动的东西.

If you don’t see the specific type of item that you need to ship in our photo and video 画廊,请与当地联系 2021十大正规彩票app & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台的位置. 的y are happy to talk with you about your shipping challenges and how we can help you solve them.